
I was recently introduced to the ‘twinnie’ concept by my grand niece.  As I understand it, it is a special ‘thing’ she shares with her Mum, and something of a security back up that works when she is not with her Mum.  So, when I spent some time with her recently, and was making crochet flowers at the time, we had a conversation about these flowers, and the creative things she was doing with pretty buttons, and coloured paper and so on, that we struck up an agreement! So she…


I am fascinated by waterlilies.  I am not sure if they are native to Australia, and in time I will walk down that meandering path with Dr Google, but in the meantime, here are some things that about them that intrigue me the way they provide shelter for pondfish, although my pond is way too small apparently, and all they do is send out lots of leaves, and never a flower! seeing them in one part of the Murray river where I walk, mad with blossoms, and providing a ‘walkway’…

Just a Bag Lady at Heart!

I love bags!  In a tiny way, part of my life has been a search for the ‘perfect’ bag!  Not gonna happen of course! Now I am more interested in creating lovely, handmade, eco-friendly, and unique bags for those who appreciate them! So when DD, a newly qualified Yogi, asked about carry bags for her yoga mats, I was very happy to put the creative juices to work! The gallery below has two bags, both 100% cotton, canvas on the outside, homespun on the inside.  Both are 67 cm in…